Once you get into high school, even before then in many cases, you are just waiting for the day when you can get out on your own and be a college student. Then you get there...
College is one hell of an adjustment. Everything starts out amazing and fun and exciting, and then, with each passing day, things become more and more real and the college students life slowly begins to tilt; it is awkward, it is unfamiliar, and at the same time it seems a little bit too much like high school.
I wrote that on my 5th day of living at college my freshman year. It is just that: awkward. It takes a while to find your footing, maybe a month, maybe a semester, maybe nearly a year living and breathing the college lifestyle to finally adapt. Of course, everyone does adapt, so no worries on that front.
In any case, I thought I'd start this blog of basically everything college, from the classroom to the dorm room and so far beyond, because college is about a lot more than education. Its where you find yourself and who you really are; its where you have room to breath and make mistakes, plenty of them. College is a million things crammed together into a few short years, and you don't want to waste a minute of it.
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