
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dead Week

Ah dead week...back so soon.  If this is your first year facing this week before finals, congratulations on making it this far and good luck! 

In case you aren't sure what exactly dead week is, here is a definition (according to urban dictionary):
At any major college or university, the week before finals are administered and most major projects and assignments are due for submission. The late night working and hardcore studying for finals gives the students a zombie like atmosphere, and causes an eerie silence and many blank, unseeing expressions.
Even more tips here

It is, of course, a different experience for everyone; some people do cram like it is their sole purpose in life, going without sleep and living on caffiene.  Then of course there are people like me: it's just another week with some assignments due, and I'm not going to destroy myself preparing for tests (the few that I have) or finishing projects. 

So whatever your situation, here are some dead week tips, tricks, and other things to keep you sane:
1. Prioritize - I'm very pro-list.  Make a list of what you need to study, what paper(s) need to be written, and what projects need to be finished.  Then, put due dates in (parentheses) next to it.  From there you can rewrite it in the order of when it's due, in the order of the percentage of your grade it is worth..whatever.  Just get a list of some sort so that you know what to study/do/write and when.  It will save you a few hours staring blankly and a pile of notebooks trying to decide where to start.

2. Indulge yourself - if you wanted an excuse to eat raw cookie dough or buy that sweater you've been drooling over, dead week is as good excuse as any.  Eat your favorite foods without feeling guilty, you've earned it for getting through yet another [grueling] college semester! So break out the brownies and the ice cream!

3. SLEEP - power naps, real naps, all day sleeping fests...however you choose to do it, get some rest.  You can't pass the test if you fall asleep or into a zombie-coma while taking it.  The best option: have a set bedtime and wake-up time every day.  We've heard it forever, but it really is the best possible thing to do for your healthy and to feel well-rested.  But if you are up till 4am finishing a project (we've all done it) treat yourself to a four hour nap later - you earned it.

4. Eliminate Distractions/Find a "Study Haven" - step away from Facebook. Turn off your cellphone.  Move your desk so it faces the wall, not your TV.  Do what you can to eliminate distractions.  This might mean moving yourself and your study materials to a different location (like the library) or it might mean deactivating your Facebook account for the week (I know people who do this).  Whatever will help you focus wins out over whatever you think you "want" to do (like Facebook and Glee).  At least it does if you want that A you're likely after.

5. Perfect Playlist - if you like to study with music, as I think most people do, make yourself a playlist.  Don't just put something on shuffle.  It's been proven in studies that music with lyrics is distracting (regardless of whether you think so or not, it is), so I suggest movie sound tracks.  (I personally am a fan of Hans Zimmerman)  Or tune into a classical station on Pandora.  Find something that fits your study style and go with it.  I have a specific playlist of "mellow" tunes that I play on low volume when I'm really working on something.  Once you find that perfect mix (or perfect Pandora station), you are all set.

Most importantly though, don't stress about it too much.  Finals are not worth losing sleep or sanity over.  They are just tests/papers/projects.  You'll get through them like you have before and will again.  Take some time to relax. 

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