
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Distraction 101

When you have been studying for an extending period of time, a break is needed.  Badly.

Of course, if you have procrastinated to extreme measures (like myself), you may want to avoid this whole distraction thing.  Though, not to say it's a good plan, but I procrastinated like a champ and am still taking advantage of the distractions around me - like this blog. :D

But if you somehow teared your eyes away from books, papers, screens, and whatever else you may be trying to accomplish during the end of the semester (or really any time during the semester), and are looking for a distraction, I have some great ideas for you!

This lovely little gem was recently introduced to me by a friend (thanks Leah).  You want to know the definition of procrastination?  I think it originated on this site. You create an account, pick some categories you are interested in, and click "Stumble."  That's it.  Then you can spend as much time as you want, as often as you want, StumblingUpon various websites, pages, pictures...anything really.  I've gotten everything from an article on Wired to a game where you have to catch sheep before they leave their pen.  There is some really cool stuff floating out on the Web, and if you want to find random (and usually awesome) stuff StumbleUpon is your best bet. is great for a quick escape.  In a sentence, it is basically a collection of games that are scattered throughout the internet.  You can find games that require actual thinking and problem solving or you can play something that is so elementary you'll feel like you don't have to do anything but stare at the screen.  It is exactly what the site is suppose to be though: a place to browse when you are bored.

You most likely know and even have used Hulu before.  I usually make it a policy NOT to watch shows I can't watch on Hulu; it is just so convinient (right now...but that's a different conversation).  Of course, you're probably caught up on your favorite shows, right?  Or if you aren't go ahead and do that first.  But what I love about Hulu is all the great miniseries they have floating around.  In particular, I LOVE Dorm Life and The Loop.  The only bad thing about these is that once you reach the end of the number of episodes they have on Hulu, you are pretty much out of luck.  Regardless, check it out!  Dorm Life in particular will rock your mind! ;)

This is actually a little weird.  All you do is click on various colors randomly, without really thinking about it too much, just what colors make you happy.  Then you do it again, trying not to duplicate.  The results are oddly accurate and quite interesting.  I took it twice and both times it gave extremely accurate and different answers about my personality.  I'm impressed. 

If these four don't distract you enough, there is always facebook, youtube, flikr, and random google searches.  You can watch a movie, paint your nails, color in a coloring book...there are really lots of things to do to distract or procrastinate.  Or you could take a nap - napping is almost always a good decision :D


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